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You can’t keep a good dog down, and today the BBC announced that they are bringing bac...
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Can you believe that it has nearly been 20 years since Sarah Michelle Geller put on her leather trousers, picked up a stake and started to kick some vampire butt. To continue our popular series of Then and Now, we look at the cast of Buffy The Vampire Slayer to see what the...
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With all of the hype that surrounds each movie we seem to forget that the Transformers were originally a set of hard to sell robot toys from Hasbro that went on to become a loved TV show and a multi-billion dollar franchise. With that in mind we are looking back at some of ...
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All 90s kids will remember the feeling of taking out their Game Boy, sticking Pokémon red, blue or yellow into the back and playing for hours collecting, levelling up and evolving your favourite Pokémon, oh the nostalgia! So, whip out your Pokédex, get out those trading car...
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Think you know Game of Thrones? Take our spoiler filled quiz For the watch… It’s that time of year where the internet becomes a dangerous place, full of spoilers and arguments about reading books vs watching TV. Yep, Game of Thrones is back on our screens this month for a s...
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They say never go back, but we can’t wait to be reunited with Dana and Fox, and to celebrate we’ve put together and X-Files quiz to test your knowledge of the show. Can you achieve the impossible and actually impress Dana Scully? There may be a few clues under quiz if...
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As Rainn Wilson, the brains behind everyone’s favourite office misfit Dwight Schrute, celebrates his 50th birthday we take a look at some classic Dwight and Jim moments. So here we are, our favourite Jim/Dwight pranks from The Office. Let us know in the comments if we’ve mi...
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Thanks to Sky+, Netflix and other streaming services, the way we watch TV has changed forever. We don’t have to wait to get to the good stuff we can skip adverts and even the opening title sequences. However, there are some TV show int...
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Is there really anything more comforting than a good box set? Whether it’s curling up with the curtains drawn in the grips of a deathly hangover, or reclining with a slice of pizza in the company of friends, there’s nothing quite like the escapism afforded by a classic TV b...
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Doctor Who – the man whose face and personality has undergone twelve reincarnations since the show first hit our television screens back in 1963. As the show returns, we want to get you in the mood for the brand new series. So we’ve travelled back in time to reflect on the ...
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